
Examen I2Q

Para estudiantes aspirantes a ingresar al Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Químicas.

La estructura electrónica en el estudio materiales para almacenamiento de energía

Dr. Marcelo Galván (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana)

La estructura electrónica en el estudio materiales para almacenamiento de energía

Comprehensive benchmarking of density matrix functional approximations

Dr. Eduard Matito, Donostia International Physics Center, Donostia, Euskadi (Spain)

Comprehensive benchmarking of density matrix functional approximations

Seminario del Dr. Graham N. Newton, University of Nottingham UK

"Exploring the electronic properties of hybrid molecular metal oxides"

Graham N. Newton is an Assistant Professor in Inorganic and Materials Chemistry and Nottingham Research Fellow at the University of Nottingham (UK). He completed his PhD under the guidance of Prof. Lee Cronin at the University of Glasgow (UK) before moving to the University of Tsukuba (Japan) in 2008 to work with Prof. Hiroki Oshio on a JSPS postdoctoral fellowship, investigating the synthesis and properties of multistable clusters. He was appointed Assistant Professor at the University of Tsukuba in April 2011, before returning to the UK and the University of Nottingham in 2015. His research is focused on the development of redox- and photo-active advanced molecular materials for applications in energy technologies.

Seminario del Dr. Victor Sans, University of Notthingham, UK

"Novel methodologies for the sustainable valorisation of carbon dioxide"

Victor Sans obtained a M Eng degree in Chemical Engineering at the University Jaume I in 2003, followed by a MSc and a PhD in Sustainable Chemistry (2007) at the same University. Afterwards he took a post-doctoral appointment at the Universities of Bath and Warwick under the supervision of Prof. Alexei Lapkin. In parallel to his research work he completed a part-time MBA (2011) at the University of Bath. In 2011 he moved to Glasgow to work as a PDRA and since 2013 as a Research Fellow with Prof. Lee Cronin. In 2014 he was appointed Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham.

Complex Absorbing Potential coupled cluster theory for resonance and inter-atomic coulombic decay

Dr. Sourav Pal

Complex Absorbing Potential coupled cluster theory for resonance and inter-atomic coulombic decay
Bound state theories can be used for quasi-bound, resonant or decay states by modification of Hamiltonian through complex scaling or by addition of complex absorbing potential (CAP). We present here the coupled-cluster method by addition of CAP and describe resonant states obtained by electron-molecule collision and inter-atomic coulombic decay(ICD) states, which have been observed experimentally. We present latest results of excited state resonances of SO2 anion using CAP Multi-reference coupled-cluster method and earlier results of resonance and ICD through the above method as well as CAP -Equation of motion coupled-cluster approach.

Seminario del Dr. Argel Ibarra Alvarado


Reunión de RMN

Dr. Armando Ariza


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